Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Effects Of Structured Work Experience On The Work...

In the dissertation, The Effects of Structured Work Experience on The Work Readiness Skills of Students with Disabilities, Pacha (2013) examined the work readiness of high school students with disabilities (i.e., â€Å"mental retardation, learning disability or emotional disturbance†) (p.61). The study explored whether the implementation of a work readiness intervention would affect work readiness skills of students with disabilities (Pacha, 2013). Moreover, the study also examined the effect of other factors, such as program type, number of contact hours and type of disability on student outcomes (Pacha, 2013). In appraising this study, the author provides a clear and concise statement of the problem. The researcher asserts that there is a dearth of interventions designed to assess work-readiness skills, especially among students with disabilities. In support of this argument, Pacha (2013) provides literature on the â€Å"structure work experience,† the impact of work experience on youth as they transition into adulthood, and the influence of work readiness on success post-high school, as well examines other school-based interventions designed for individuals with disabilities (p.4). Moreover, the researcher provides supporting literature to demonstrate where deficiencies currently exist, especially with regard to programs designed to prepare individuals with disabilities to join the workforce (Pacha, 2013). In evaluating the literature review with the problem statement, thereShow MoreRelatedThe Ideas And Implementation Of Cooperative Learning2106 Words   |  9 PagesThis paper explores the ideas and implementation of cooperative learning, and how it can benefit the classroom. 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