Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Costs and benefits of free speech and press - 826 Words

Freedom of speech and press, or freedom of expression, are fundamental rights. Without these freedoms a truly free society cannot exist. By definition, they allow the citizens to communicate their ideas both verbally and in print. There are many advantages, as well as disadvantages, that an individual receives these rights. However, as with most constitutional freedoms, free of expression can be limited under certain circumstances. The First Amendment in the United States Constitution states ?Congress shall make no law?abridging the freedom of speech, or the press According to the Framers, the freedom to express individual views is vital to a free government and from their personal experience the freedom to write and publish also†¦show more content†¦There are some downsides to freedom of speech and press too. Free expression lets anyone to speak their mind on anything. For example, on September 17, 2007, a student named John Meyers was tasered by police after asking John Ke rry questions at a public forum held at the University of Florida. He was then arrested for resisting an officer and disturbing the peace, but, he could not be arrested for the questions he asked Kerry. To cut conflicts that may arise when invoking the right of free expression the government has enacted limitations on this freedom. Time, place, and manner restrictions are placed on free expression in the interest of public safety. They govern when, where, and how, what one may say or write without stating exactly what is allowed to be said. One case of restricting free speech in the interest of public safety is the regulation of cigarette commercials on TV. The courts decided that for public health reasons advertisements on TV must be regulated. Other limitations include the freedom to say and print what one?s wants, so long as it does not contain military secrets, will not directly cause a riot, and does not present a ?clear and present danger?. The Supreme Court upholds these restrictions as well as the idea of neutrality, and will sometimes limit speech andShow MoreRelatedFirst Amendment Paper1372 Words   |  6 PagesThe First Amendment Freedom is being breached all over the U.S and most of it is being taken away from the press. Sure the Patriot Act is killing everyones privacy in secrecy all over the US, but journalists and reporters are being put in jail right and left. The government has infringed on their rights in a way that should not be with the first amendment. It seems like the more people let the government do, the more steps the government takes to take first amendment rights from people. 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