Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Life Values free essay sample

Lifes Values Values are beliefs of a person or social group n which they have an emotional investment. They are many different values that people have and they all tend to have different opinions on them. I feel that having values in life is such an important thing. I believe that having values, beliefs, and principles in life are all tied together in helping face lifes challenges and reaching happiness. My top three values I believe in are establishing relationships with others, valuing ones self, and living your life being honset. My personal values start with establishing relationships. It is something I truly value. Relationships are the way in which two or more people are connected. The relationships that we make in life all seem easy to forge but they are always hard to maintain. I feel like having relationships with people throughout your life is key to reaching happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Life Values or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It brings a great feeling knowing that there are people out there in your life that truly do care about you. It is a nice to know that there will be someone there to pick you back up when you need it. Finding those loving relationship with people is something that Jane faced in her life in the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. She never truly had the relationship with someone who truly cared. However she reached her happiness when she finally did get that relationship when she found her long lost family members. This is only one example of many more which show how establishing relationships with others is key to happiness. I can say that within this year of my life the relationships I made with people is something I will cherish for the rest of life. I may never see majority of these people again but I am happy that I got to know them. They were there for me when I was in time of need and my friends will always know how to show me a good time. Without these relationships, I know for a fact I would be less happy with my life. Self-respect is another very important value in my life. You have to believe in yourself and accept yourself anyway that you are no matter how not as attractive, over-weight, or anything else you do not like about yourself. All these things do not matter, it is whats on the inside that does. If a person does not have self-respect then they cannot make any decisions for themselves. This relates to the narrator in the novel The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. He was struggling to find his way and he only focused on living his life based on the opinions of others. He never thought about his own self and his dreams he wanted to achieve. That is a clear example of someone not having any self-respect. I always like to keep in mind that this life is mine and not anyone elses. I go about my life proving to myself what I am able to achieve and so much more. I like to set goals and go way beyond them. This makes me happy knowing that I can do so much better than what I orignally thought. Lasly, I feel that honesty is one of the most treasured values to a human being. Living life honestly means being open and showing ones true self to others. Honesty is important in life because it acts as glue olding people together. Not only does honesty do that, but it also helps you exel in life and conquer problems. In the novel Snow Falling on Cedar Rapids by David Guterson, Kabuyo was able to conquer his problem of pleading not guilty because he was totally honest the whole time. He got to go back to his life with family and he got his happily ever after. This shows how being honest can lead to you being happy in life. In every situation that life puts me through I try to always be as honest as possible. I always keep in mind the saying what goes around comes around. It keeps me on check that if lie to someone then in the long run it is going to bite me back in the ass. That is why I do not like lying at all. It is not a good thing to do at all. However, when you are honest, good things tend to happen to me. That is why I value being honest in life. In conclusion, by living life establishing relationships with others, having self-respect, and being honest, a person will find that life is more meaningful and enriched. These are my values which I feel are intertwined together in helping me reach my happiness is life. Having that relationship with someone or people helped me to realize that there truly are people out there who care about you and your successes. Valuing self-respect allows you to constantly thrive for better in your life and never settle for less. Being honest just helps you in many different ways. It just makes your life better overall. You never have anything to hide. There is such a larger variety of values to live by but these are my main three.

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