Monday, May 18, 2020

Comparison of Two Poems Shall I Compare Thee to a...

Comparison of two poems â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?† written by William Shakespeare and â€Å"If thou must love me† written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day† a poem written by William Shakespeare, is the eighteenth sonnet by this famous writer and a poet. Shakespeare, a popular english poet had written fifty four sonnets. â€Å"Shall I compare thee to summer’s day† is the most popular of all the fifty four sonnets which emphasized Shakespeare’s love poem with the theme of love. The poem, â€Å"If thou must love me† is also a popular poem and a sonnet (number fourteen) written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Browning’s poem revolves around the theme of love towards her expectations from her lover to be.†¦show more content†¦In the poem, William Shakespeare uses praise and question in addressing the person he was referring to. In Browning’s po em â€Å"If thou must love me† was much into herself describing her expectations from someone that will loves her or want to love her. The last two lines known as couplet â€Å"So long as man can breath, or eyes can see,/ so long lives this, and gives life to thee† (13-14) in Shakespeare’s poem tends to reveal the eternal beauty of the person the poet is referring to. Shakespeare used hyperbole â€Å"†¦[†¦] can breath, or eyes can see† (13) to exaggerate the quality of beauty in the person he was referring to, and by comparing him to summer’s day, that shows that the person is bright and beautiful as summer’s day is aways bright that’s why it’s referred to as beautiful day. Both poems are devoid of setting and both speakers tend to refer to anonymous persons, for instance, Shakespeare made no mention of who he was referring to throughout in his poem making it hard to know if he was expressing his love to a male o r female. 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