Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Education On Internet Safety - 1423 Words

Our kids experience a very particular way to explore our world today, and this comes down to advancements in technology and internet. Many parents would have had an entirely different childhood where discipline was much more strictly used by their own mother and father, something that is very hard to find for today’s parents, Thanks to the unlimited amount of information and a path to a wide field of material that is available at just the click of a mouse or press of a button. Now that we are living in a digital world and there are many positive elements for sure, but there are also issues that parents can rightly be concerned about. For what their children are finding online without being aware. Dangers are around every corner on the internet, from inappropriate websites to cyber bullying, staying informed and up to date on what children may have access to online is something that can end up being unavoidable. Education on internet safety is as an important part of what child ren needs to know as technology continues evolves. The internet also opens up many paths into aiding our children. Through the use of the internet, information is available all around children. With new technology there are my precautions one can take to allows their children to receive the most educational use of the internet. Is the internet helping our children? Or is it downward spiral towards disaster? People wonder how this new technology is making kids smarter. Obviously, the computer and theShow MoreRelatedInternet Safety And The Internet954 Words   |  4 PagesInternet safety has been an extensive issue for children and adolescents since accuse to the Internet has become readily available in homes. With Internet use increasing at such rapid rates and a large proportion of adolescents using the Internet daily, the awareness of Internet safety should be addressed. 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